Amatsu Medicine

UK Hichibuku programme. Extenden leg forward stretch Paris

Hichibuku Goshin-jutsu Seminars in UK

Amatsu Tatara Hichibuku Goshin-jutsu

(天津 蹈鞴 秘致武九護身術)

Course Information

The seminar programme registration and start dates will be 25th - 26th May 2019 in Epsom, Surrey

The course tutor will be: Peter King MA, MSc (Ost.), MSCP, SRP, FRSM., who has also received the following transmissions and certification from Hatsumi Sōke:

  • Menkyo Kaiden (免許皆伝) Master Teacher's Licence in Amatsu Tatara Hichibuku Goshinjutsu (天津 蹈鞴 秘致武九護身術)
  • I-shin-den-shin (医心伝心) certificate of direct transmission of the Tatara Hibun (蹈鞴 秘文)
  • Denju Menkyo (伝授 免許) licence, certifying full transmission of the Shinshin Shingan no Maki (神心 神眼の巻) documents
  • Kuden (口伝 ) Denju (伝授) - certification of transmission of the 'Kuden' (oral teachings) of the Amatsu Tatara Hisshin Ginkō Hibun (天津鞴韜謐心誾諕秘文)

    1. The course will be delivered over a three-year period with 6 taught weekend modules per year and directed distanced learning study

    2. The intention is that the programme will lead to registration with one of the U.K. CAM organisations

    3. There are no entry level qualifications, or previous experience required to join the course.

    4. Participants will required to take a (reasonably priced) external, online anatomy & physiology course prior to graduation and this will be held to be part of the qualifying criteria.

    5. A reading list will be advised, but all handouts and other teaching materials will be provided.

    6. Participants will be required to complete home study assignments and case studies during the course of the programme.

    The cost of the course is £3,330 (to be paid by monthly standing order payments of £92.50 per month over the three years). A reduced cost of £3,000 can be arranged for participants who wish to pay for the whole course in advance

    Please note that this course is designed for a limited number of participants only (as opposed to a hall full of people training on a martial arts seminar). As such the fees have to reflect that, and also the professional level of the material and delivery of the programme. The costs are less than half of other equivalent commercially available programmes and amount to a figure of £21.35 per week (less than the cost of buying 2 cups of coffees per day over 5 days).

    For information email:

    This course will be run subject to sufficient applications being received.

    Proposed dates 2020 (may be subject to change):

  • 1st & 2nd February 2020 -Level 1 / Module 5 (Epsom, Surrey)
  • 28th & 29th March 2020 - Level 1 / Module 6 (Epsom, Surrey)
  • 2nd & 3rd May 2020 - Level 2 / Module 1 (Epsom, Surrey)
  • 6th & 7th June 2020 - Level 2/ Module 2 (Epsom, Surrey)
  • 12th & 13th September 2020 - Level 2 / Module 3 (Epsom, Surrey)
  • 24 & 25th  October 2020 - Level 2/ Module 4 (Epsom, Surrey)

    For Registration Forms please email:

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