Amatsu Medicine

Peter King  . Press Tsp with thumbs Amsterdam

Peter King MA, MSc. (Ost.), MCSP

Within the Bujinkan Dōjō (武神館道場) Peter holds:-

  • Ju-godan (十五段) / Kūgyō Menkyo (空行免許) rank in Budō Taijutsu (武道体術)
  • 'Bufu Ikkan Sho' (武風一貫) award,
  • 'Bujinkan Dojo Shitenno' 武神館 道場 四天王 - ('Guardian of the Bujinkan Dojo') award.
  • Dai-Shihan (大師範 Senior Master Teacher) title

    His qualifications and the level of transmission that he has received from Hatsumi Sōke is unique:-

    He has received transmission & copies of the following documents (densho 伝書) from Hatsumi Sōke:
  • Tatara Hibun (蹈鞴 秘文)
  • Hichibuku Goshin-jutsu Genri (秘致武九護身術原理) contained within the Tatara Hibun
  • Amatsu Tatara (天津 蹈鞴) Shingan no Maki (神眼の巻) document
  • Amatsu Tatara (天津 蹈鞴) Shinshin no Maki Ge (神心 の巻 下 ) document
  • Amatsu Tatara (天津 蹈鞴) Shinshin no Maki Chū (神心 の巻 中 ) document
  • Amatsu Tatara (天津 蹈鞴) Shinshin no Maki Jō (神心 の巻 上 ) document
  • Amatsu Tatara Hisshin Ginkō Hibun (天津鞴韜謐心誾諕秘文) document

    He holds the following certification in the Amatsu Tatara from Hatsumi Sōke:

    Menkyo Kaiden (免許皆伝) Master Teacher's Licence in Amatsu Tatara Hichibuku Goshinjutsu (天津 蹈鞴 秘致武九護身術)

    I-shin-den-shin (医心伝心) certificate of direct transmission of the Tatara Hibun (蹈鞴 秘文).

    Denju Menkyo (伝授 免許) licence, certifying full transmission of the Shinshin Shingan no Maki (神心 神眼の巻) documents.

    Kuden (口伝 ) Denju (伝授) - certification of transmission of the 'Kuden' (oral teachings) of the Amatsu Tatara Hisshin Ginkō Hibun (天津鞴韜謐心誾諕秘文).

    At Hatsumi Sōke's request Peter has written a book entitled ' Life Secrets of the Amatsu Tatara' (see menue).

    Since 2003 Peter has been the principal tutor at the British School of Japanese Traditional Medicine, which runs international training courses in the Hichibuku method in Europe (& occasionally in North America).

    Academically he holds an:-
    MSc. (Mater of Science) degree: Osteopathy (University of Greenwich)
    M.A. (Master of Arts) degree: ‘Work Based Learning - Sports Science & Japanese Budo Studies’ (Middlesex University)

    and is also a:-
  • Registered Osteopath (GOsC)
  • State Registered & Chartered Physiotherapist (HCPC & MCSP)
  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine (FRSM)
  • Advanced member - Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP)
  • Has an Advanced Certificate in Traditional Chinese Acupuncture (针灸)
  • Has a Diploma in Advanced Chinese Tuina (推拿)

    He is a former:
    Clinic and Technique Tutor, Research Methods Lecturer and Research Supervisor at the Surrey Institute of Osteopathic Medicine, UK. and a visiting Research Supervisor and Research Methods Lecturer for International College of Osteopathic Medicine in Milan, Italy.

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